Environmental, Social and Governance Fact Sheet #1 | Social Responsibility
The level of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of a company is often measured by the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) indicators. ESG information provides a framework for greater transparency on the overall company functioning and CSR efforts. At Societe Generale Global Solution Centre, we promote a range of CSR topics, designed to improve Diversity and […]
Celebrating the Spirit of CSR at SG GSC Romania and India | Events Press Social Responsibility
In 2021, Societe Generale’s Global Solution Centres (SG GSC) in Romania and India celebrated the Spirit of CSR to increase awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) related topics. The CSR Month in Societe Generale’s Global Solution Centres in Romania and India was imagined to revive the atmosphere and create awareness […]
Societe Generale Global Solution Centre obtains the international certification “Great Place to Work” | Press Press Releases
Societe Generale Global Solution Centre (SG GSC) consolidates its position as a top employer in Romania and obtains the “Great Place to Work” certification, granted by the independent global authority Great Place to Work® Institute following a careful evaluation of the organizational culture and company work environment. Through the certification process, the human resources practices, […]
Societe Generale Global Solution Centre opens its new headquarters in Bucharest | Events
As of June 23, 2021, the new office of Societe Generale Global Solution Centre in the CAMPUS 6 business complex is officially open. Located in the Central-West area of Bucharest, in the proximity of University Politehnica, the headquarters in the CAMPUS 6.3 building has state-of-the-art facilities and increased energy efficiency, offers access to technology, and […]
Societe Generale Global Solution Centre is back as a Stage Partner @ DevTalks Reimagined 2021 | Events
On June 9-11, over 8,000 programmers, engineers, managers, freelancers, and technology enthusiasts took part in the most awaited IT&C event in Romania. Known for over 7 years as the landmark event for the IT&C community and for the second year in an exclusively online format, DevTalks Reimagined returned in 2021 with a new edition dedicated […]
Societe Generale Global Solution Centre continues to support local career events in 2021 | Events
In these atypical times, interaction (even at a distance) and individual development remain just as important. In 2021, we are committed to once again being present at key career events in the local market and welcoming those seeking employment with opportunities that focus on work-life balance, as well as with online development sessions on various […]
Societe Generale Global Solution Centre appoints new CEO in Romania | Press Press Releases
Societe Generale announces the appointment of Philippe Gabulon as Chief Executive Officer of Societe Generale Global Solution Centre (SG GSC) in Romania, effective August 1, 2021. Philippe will continue in his positions as Deputy Chief Executive Officer of SG GSC India and Chief Operating Officer for both global solution centres in India and Romania. Philippe […]
New important awards for our involvement in the educational development of the local community | Press Social Responsibility
In spite of the still difficult context marked by the pandemic, we managed to adapt our way of working, of collaborating with colleagues and of doing good. We managed to successfully transfer activities online and to surpass distance and other challenges in order to achieve success. Aspects valid not only for our business activity, but […]
Societe Generale Global Solution Centre opens its new headquarters in Bucharest | Press
As of June 23, 2021, the new office of Societe Generale Global Solution Centre in the CAMPUS 6 business complex is officially open. Located in the Central-West area of Bucharest, in the proximity of University Politehnica, the headquarters in the CAMPUS 6.3 building has state-of-the-art facilities and increased energy efficiency, offers access to technology, and […]
Odyssey Mentoring Program recognized as a highly successful mentoring program by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council | Press
The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) Global Awards selection panel awarded Societe Generale Global Solution Centre as an organization that runs a highly successful mentoring program (Odyssey Mentoring Program) promoting a learning culture within the organization. The Odyssey Mentoring Program represents our ambition, materialized in a learning framework, where our strong leadership effectively walks […]
From European to Global: Societe Generale’s service centre in Romania becomes Societe Generale Global Solution Centre | Press Press Releases
10 years after its establishment in Romania, Societe Generale European Business Services (Societe Generale EBS) becomes Societe Generale Global Solution Centre. “European Business Services” was more than a name; it was a statement of the company’s positioning as a valuable partner for Societe Generale Group in its European operations and a vote of trust for […]
Societe Generale European Business Services receives recognition of its great social responsibility efforts | Press Social Responsibility
Societe Generale European Business Services has always been commitment to positively impact the society and the environment by helping vulnerable communities and by applying sustainable measure in the office.
Societe Generale European Business Services goes digital | Events
SG EBS decided to go digital and partner with some  of the biggest events available in Romania, Angajatori de Top job fair and ACCA Careers Fair in Romania.
Societe Generale European Business Services was part of DevTalks Reimagines, first totally online IT conference | Events
Societe Generale European Business Services was glad to be part for another year at DevTalks Reimagined, one of the biggest IT conferences in Romania which for the first time, was completely digital. Â
Winners of the first funding program by Societe Generale European Business Services | Press Releases Social Responsibility
Together†project, a 200.000 euro financial support program aimed to sustain projects developed by non-governmental organizations in Romania.
Societe Generale European Business Services donates 100.000 euros to the Association Daruieste Viata for fighting against COVID-19 | Press Press Releases Social Responsibility
Societe Generale European Business Services, part of the International Societe Generale Group, joins the fight against COVID-19 and donates 100,000 euros to the Association Daruieste Viata.
200.000 de euro in financial support for the first funding program by Societe Generale European Business Services | Press Press Releases
Societe Generale European Business Services launches We Care Together, a funding program aimed to support projects developed by non-governmental organizations in Romania and offer financial aid of 200,000 euros in total.
We Care Together – funding program | Events Social Responsibility
Societe Generale European Business Services launches We Care Together, its first funding program aimed at supporting projects developed by non-governmental organizations in Romania.
Engine that drives human potential | Press
Blitz talk with Catalina Magui, Head of HR shared service center of SG EBS
Societe Generale European Business Services signed the Diversity Charter | Press Social Responsibility
Societe Generale European Business Services has recently signed the Romanian Diversity Charter.
First edition of Tech Days organized by BRD Groupe Societe Generale & Societe Generale European Business Services | Press
On 21st and 22nd of January the first edition of Tech Days, organized by BRD Groupe Societe Generale and Societe Generale European Business Services, took place in Bucharest, Romania.
Engine that drives human potential | Press
Blitz talk with Thierry Blain, Chief Operating Officer of SG EBS
Charitable Events in SG EBS – FDP & CODE Kids Associations | Social Responsibility
SG EBS is continuing its mission and promise towards the associations we are working with therefore, during the last days, there were some events organized with FDP – Protagonisti in Educatie & CODE Kids, together with volunteers from our company, who wanted to get more involved in these projects and interact with these amazing children.
SG EBS Touch Rugby Tournament 2019 | Social Responsibility
SG EBS encourages initiatives that support team spirit and promotes collaboration and, also, encourages its employees’ initiatives, as the drive of creating the first Touch Rugby team in the company belongs to one of SG EBS’ employees.
Painting and decorating together! Continue to make a difference | Social Responsibility
Last year, SG EBS DFIN DOM ACR FRA Team won the Prize for Environmental Efficiency's rewards, award given by Societe Generale Group.
Engine that drives human potential | Press
We are continuing the series of talks with SG EBS executives on the subject “The engine that drives human potentialâ€, together with Daniela Vercellino, HR director.
Facem schimb de abilitati la clubul pentru nevazatori si tipici | Press Releases Social Responsibility
În contextul actual, avem 5.479 de persoane cu deficiențe de vedere care trăiesc în București și se confruntă cu fenomenul de (auto)izolare socială, încă din copilărie. Slaba accesibilizare a orașului le afectează direct mobilitatea iar lipsa de interacțiune cu comunitatea din care fac parte favorizează tot mai mult atitudinile bazate pe prejudecăți și discriminare. AMAis […]
Value creation enabled by people and innovation | Press Releases
As CEO of SG EBS since July 2018, you took over the Group’s development strategy of the company on the Romanian market. Please share with us some of your conclusions, after almost one year of mandate, and plans regarding the future development of the company’s services. Even if it’s not such a long period since […]
Running events in SG EBS | Events
Around 90 colleagues took part at different running events supported by SG EBS.
SG EBS Touch Rugby Tournament 2019 | Social Responsibility
SG EBS encourages initiatives that support team spirit and promotes collaboration and, also, encourages its employees’ initiatives, as the drive of creating the first Touch Rugby team in the company belongs to one of SG EBS’ employees. A few months after organizing the team, it was time to participate to the first tournament, an event […]
We are happy to announce that on the 15th of October we were partners at the first edition in Romania of Women in IT Summit which took place at Marriott Hotel. The summit is part of the Global Women in IT Awards/Summit program, which is running in London, New York, San Francisco, Singapore, Dublin and […]
Join the competition held on October 19 in Bucharest!Â
“Urban Seekers“ the new employer brand campaing launched by Societe Generale European Business Services comes with a new challenge | Press Releases
September 12, 2019, Bucharest – Societe Generale European Business Services (SG EBS) announces a new employer branding campaign called Urban Seekers, in the form of a treasure hunt contest. The competition will be held on October 19 in Bucharest and addresses to people who would like a job within the company and who want to […]
Engine that drives human potential – interview with Matthieu Pasquier, CEO SG EBS | Press
Blitz talk with Matthieu Pasquier|Â Â CEO of SG EBS Carmen Oprea – Dear Mr. Matthieu Pasquier, you are celebrating one year since you have taken over as CEO of SG EBS, one of the major player in the Romanian shared service industry. This is a crucial role for the present and […]
SG EBS was awarded “SSC Company of the year” and “CEO of the year” | Press
During the Fourth Edition of the Annual Romanian Outsourcing & Shared Services Awards for Excellence SG EBS won 2 awards : “SSC Company of the year†and...
Societe Generale European Business Services equips with 40 computers IT labs from Gorj and Prahova County | Press
Give a helping Byte is a national education program in respect to the environment and social solidarity, developed by the Ateliere Fara Frontiere Association...
Smart Process Automation (SPA) and the future of jobs | Press
Starting with 1990’s, the companies around the world became more and more aggressive in terms of reducing their operational costs to stay competitive on the...
Coaching, leadership and performance | Press
More and more leaders and entrepreneurs around the world are using coaching both for their own development or for the business growth, as well as in the...
What`s next after interviews @ SGEBS? | Press
Recruiting the best candidate for a job is a key principle of Societe Generale European Business Services while sourcing and selecting the...
Knowledge Management a.k.a „KM†in SSC Finance | Press
Knowledge Management is a brand new concept on the Romanian market. Even if at first sight it sounds pretentious, it is not. This process allows us to stock and
SG EBS’ team “Specialistii”, fighting for a noble cause | Press
SG EBS' team "Specialistii" went on stage at Antena 1, at BRAVO Romania show for a noble cause.
SocGen’s EBS division to grow 60%, expands its West Gate offices in Bucharest | Press
Societe Generale European Business Services (the business outsourcing division) expanded its HQs in H2 building of West Gate business park, owned by Genesis...
SG EBS Transformation through Continuous Improvement & Innovation | Press
For SGEBS, the Continuous Improvement journey has started 4 years ago, when a couple of great minds decided to change the future of the Shared Service...
Internal Startup Call interviu | Press
We are delighted to announce that Internal Startup Call is a great success for our colleagues involved in the project...
Robotics – the heart of digital transformation | Press
Digital transformation is at the top of most corporate strategies these days and Robotic Process...
La pranz cu COO-ul SG EBS: Thierry Blain, despre piata muncii si planurile companiei | Press
Primele legaturi ale lui Thierry Blain cu Romania au inceput in anii '90, cand a lucrat pentru ambasada ...
Societe Generale European Business Services reaches 1,000 employees in the shared service in Bucharest | Press Releases
Societe Generale European Business Services, the shared service center for Societe Generale Group which delivers high added value services in various fields of activity
Societe Generale European Business Services invests in innovative solutions made by Romanian start-ups | Press Releases
Bucharest, 19th of September  2017 - Societe Generale European Business Services, part of the international group Societe Generale, had ended its first
Societe Generale European Business Services support the IT education in Romania through a partnership with ACADEMY+PLUS | Press Releases
Yesterday, 13th of December, was the inauguration ceremony of Academy+Plus branch
Matthieu Pasquier appointed Chief Executive Officer of Societe Generale European Business Services | Press Releases
The Board of Directors of Societe Generale has appointed Matthieu Pasquier as Chief Executive Officer of Societe Generale European Business Services effective
Debate around Agile in distributed teams | Events
Debate around Agile in distributed teams
Cariere v5.0 event -10-11 March | Events
Cariere v5.0 event -10-11 March
People in Shared Services and Outsourcing Forum | Events
People in Shared Services and Outsourcing Forum
Blockchain beyond the buzz | Events
Blockchain beyond the buzz
“IT has become CORE-business” through the eyes of a Trader, a Product Owner, a Tech Lead & a Team Leader and Developer | Events
“IT has become CORE-business†through the eyes of a Trader...
SG EBS at ABSL 5th Annual Conference | Events
SG EBS at ABSL 5th Annual Conference
Finance Boot Camp
Romania from Stardom to Value Creator | Events
Romania from Stardom to Value Creator
Societe Generale European Business Services IT division starts an academy dedicated to the JAVA programming language | Events
Societe Generale European Business Services IT division starts...
SG EBS present at the third edition of Romanian Outsourcing Summit | Events
SG EBS present at the third edition of Romanian Outsourcing Summit
A new edition of Voxxed Days Bucharest | Events
A new edition of Voxxed Days Bucharest
SG EBS @ People in Shared Services and Outsourcing Forum 2017 | Events
SG EBS @ People in Shared Services and Outsourcing Forum 2017
Finance Boot Camp 2018 | Events
Finance Boot Camp 2018
Workshop together with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Romania | Events
Workshop together with the French Chamber of Commerce...
SG EBS @ Digital Finance Conference for the first time | Events
SG EBS @ Digital Finance Conference for the first time
2018 IT&C Fair
HR Boot Camp
SSC HR – Training | Testimonials
The workshop helped me understand that any improvement initiative or new idea applied in the working processes represent a component of the innovation as a mindset and culture of the organization. It must not always be something of major impact; even the small changes can make a whole difference.
Camelia Stroe – 1st employee in SG EBS | Testimonials
SG EBS means to me a lot of beautiful people, passionate about their job and willing to permanently develop themselves. I indentified myself among these people and in this environment that encourages freedom in both thinking and expressing.
SSC HR organizing Time Management Workshop at ASE | Events
SSC HR organizing Time Management Workshop at ASE
1000 employees Celebration Day | Events
1000 employees Celebration Day
SG EBS, partener at ASE Job & Internship Fair | Events
SG EBS, partener at ASE Job & Internship Fair
Planting – Vrancea County | Social Responsibility
In 2015 we launched our first planting action in SG EBS and we had planted around 500 fir trees in Vrancea county, Lepsa area, in November. The high interest and the feedback after the planting action are the ingredients for making this a tradition in SG EBS.
Bike tour | Social Responsibility
In September, SG EBS organized the first bike tour in Bucharest for its employees who enjoy biking. We cycled together on public roads for almost 15km and we enjoyed a fun and healthy afternoon.
Let’s do it Danube! | Social Responsibility
SG EBS volunteers had joined Let’s do it Danube campaign in June 2015. Around 30 volunteers had collected 500 garbage bags in Giurgiu County. Let’s do it Danube is an educational and cleaning campaign dedicated to all counties where Dunarea is flowing.
Societe Generale EBS’ team is fighting for a noble cause | Social Responsibility
SG EBS' team stept on the scene on Easter Sunday and fought for a noble cause: they want to help Daniela, who suffers of Parkinson and struggles to raise her two daughters; one is great at Mathematics and participates at...
International Day of Charity | Social Responsibility
Monday, 5th of September, was the International Day of Charity, so we used the occasion to raise the awareness about the importance of charity and also to promote the role of CSR in a company. Our colleagues discovered useful information about Corporate...
Fun& team spirit at Rocket Bike Fest | Social Responsibility
Saturday, 24th of September, was a day full of energy and fun for SG EBS team which participated at Rocket Bike Fest, an event organized by Help Autism Association in partnership with Bikexpert. The cross country cycling competition Fest, an event organized by...
SG EBS at Bucharest Marathon | Social Responsibility
Here, at SG EBS, we encourage a healthy lifestyle and always seek for opportunities to do some sports together, so we could not miss the Bucharest Marathon last weekend. We participated with a team of 90 members...
Blood Donation @SG EBS | Social Responsibility
In Romania, every 3 seconds someone needs blood. Only 2% of Romanian people donate blood, a big difference from the average 10% for European Union. The act of donating blood is beyond charity, as it actually contributes at saving one’s life...
Blood donation @ SG EBS – 2nd edition | Social Responsibility
In the last year, Romania in general and Bucharest in particular faced a severe lack of blood in its hospitals. A big number of patients were forced to wait for surgery or treatment, as the need for blood is double than the current supplies...
​4th Planting Edition – We Care Together!​ | Social Responsibility
For us, the environment is important! We proved  this over the years through various initiatives that our colleagues promptly responded to with "Present! ».Â
Liviu Smarandoiu Transition & Operations Manager | Testimonials
Right from the RFP process, we share the same level of information with each candidate, and we verify that candidates are not financially dependent on their contracts with our Group. As we consider our supplier relationships to be long-term partnerships, we endeavour to provide maximum visibility throughout the collaboration.
Coding game AWS training for ITEC | Events
Coding game AWS training for ITEC