We Care Together – funding program

We Care Together – funding program

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We would like to give a big thanks to all the NGOs that applied for our program, you are all doing an amazing work and the projects are great.

We are very sorry that we can’t get involved in all of them, but we hope we can offer sustainable support to the disadvantaged communities and to persons with disabilities by collaborating with the following NGOs & projects:

Asociatia ETIC – Future Ready – dezvoltam competentele generatiilor viitoare, Asociatia Casa Dalia – Code Hero, Asociatia P.A.V.E.L. – Scoala de Spital – Scoala pentru Toti, Fundatia World Vision Romania – Invat ce-i bine pentru mine! – dezvoltarea de cunostinte, abilitati si valori sanatoase pentru copiii din comunitati rurale, Ceed Romania – Fii Propriul Tau Stapan.

These NGOs will receive financial support from our part starting this year. Each and every NGO mentioned above will get an official email from our part with all the necessary details for starting this collaboration.


We are happy to announce that we are at the end of our evaluation process for the projects received.

Very soon, we will communicate here which are the NGOs that will receive financial support.

Please keep in mind that an official email will be send only to the associations that will start collaborating with us and that will receive financing from our program.


Societe Generale European Business Services launches We Care Together, its first funding program aimed at supporting projects developed by non-governmental organizations in Romania.

The objective of the program is to support initiatives that have a positive impact in the fields of professional integration and education dedicated mainly to vulnerable groups.

The program is open for non-governmental organizations in Romania that develop projects in the following fields:

  • Professional integration

Projects which help vulnerable people find a job, allow them to access employment support projects, guide them professionally, support them during their entrepreneurial journey or provide them with the needed tools to overcome obstacles to employment.

  • Integration through education

Projects that focus on integration through education, especially for children or young people in a vulnerable situation. Projects may include various actions that respond to the different needs of the beneficiaries: educational projects through sports and cultural activities to encourage integration, training and skills development programs, projects for preventing school dropout, combating illiteracy, mentoring and professional counseling, programs for insertion in the labor market.

The total budget of the program for 2020 is 200,000 Euro.

Eligibility criteria

The program is dedicated exclusively for non-governmental and non-profit organizations, established legally and with headquarters in Romania, which have at least 1 year of activity at the time of the application for funding. Also, the organizations must prove they are registered in the ANAF Registry of non-profit entities or that they submitted the request for application.

In order to be considered eligible, projects must meet the following eligibility criteria cumulatively:

  • Relevance to the program – In order to be considered eligible, the projects received under the Program must correspond to the objective of the program and fall within its fields of action (mandatory criteria);
  • Impact – The objectives and results of the projects are specific, clearly identified, measured and reported and contribute to solving or ameliorating the identified problem / need;
  • Beneficiaries – The beneficiaries of the projects are people from vulnerable groups, marginalized due to economic, social or cultural difficulties.
  • Localization – All the activities of a project must be carried out in Romania;
  • Budget – At least 75% of the requested amount is dedicated exclusively for the activities within the project.

Application period is 27.02.2020-27.03.2020.

In the current situation, considering that the national institutions have limited as much as possible the program with the public and cannot issue Extrasul din Registrul special al asociatiilor si fundatiilor, when sending the documents for funding, please mention explicitly in the mail that the association is registered in the Register of cult entities and units.

If, following the verification carried out by Societe Generale European Business Services, it is discovered that the NGO is not registered in the Register of entities and units of worship, the application for funding will be rejected and the NGO will be disqualified.

All the details regarding the application process is available here: Ghidul Solicitantului_We Care Together_program de finantare

Other necessary documents:

Anexa 1 – Cerere de finantare


Anexa 2 – Bugetul proiectului