SSC HR – Training
Claudia CALIN
The workshop helped me understand that any improvement initiative or new idea applied in the working processes represent a component of the innovation as a mindset and culture of the organization. It must not always be something of major impact; even the small changes can make a whole difference.
Evelyne Lutas – Communication Specialist
Evelyne LUTAS
Carmen Oprea – 1st employee Corporate Functions
Carmen Oprea
Ana Stefan – Data Privacy Officer
Ana Stefan
Camelia Stroe – 1st employee in SG EBS
1st employee in SG EBS
SG EBS means to me a lot of beautiful people, passionate about their job and willing to permanently develop themselves. I indentified myself among these people and in this environment that encourages freedom in both thinking and expressing.
Liviu Smarandoiu Transition & Operations Manager
Liviu Smarandoiu
Right from the RFP process, we share the same level of information with each candidate, and we verify that candidates are not financially dependent on their contracts with our Group. As we consider our supplier relationships to be long-term partnerships, we endeavour to provide maximum visibility throughout the collaboration.