Societe Generale European Business Services equips with 40 computers IT labs from Gorj and Prahova County

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Give a helping Byte
Give a helping Byte is a national education program in respect to the environment and social solidarity, developed by the Ateliere Fara Frontiere Association.
In 2018, Ateliere Fara Frontiere decided, through the Give a helping Byte program, to provide educational units with 450 IT equipment (averaging 15 for each school) thus providing access to modern education for 30 educational units, 6,000 children and young people and supporting over 350 teachers in their educational approach.
Societe Generale European Business Services has chosen to Give a helping Byte in Gorj and Prahova County.
We’ve chosen to contribute to this program because it combines a number of directions in which we have decided to get involved: education, professional integration and the use of resources in a sustainable way. Social responsibility is part of our DNA, so we try to be close to communities, to identify the best partners and the causes that lead us to fight for them. Over the past few years we’ve donated IT equipment to Ateliere Fara Frontiere, just this year we give over 100 IT equipments. But through the project Give a helping Byte, we decided to go further and contribute financially to the rehabilitation of IT equipment and equipping them with the software needed for disadvantaged schools in Romania”, said Roxana Patrascu, Communication and PR Manager
The school unit with legal personality, Baia de Fier Technological Highschool, Gorj County, receives 15 computers that they will give to the primary schools Galbenu and Cernadia.
5 computers went to the Galbenu School and 10 to the Cernadia Gymnasium School.
Each of the two schools has the infrastructure needed for the installation of computers, meaning individual furniture, electrical network – sockets and Internet connection for 10 computers.
Beneficiaries who will use the 15 computers are: 52 pupils from the Galbenu School; 63 students from the Cernadia Gymnasium School, as well as 25 teachers teaching at the two school units. Most of the students in these schools come from poor and vulnerable families and more than 60% of them are of rom origin. They are poor not only in terms of the level of private consumption but also in terms of consumption of goods, services and public utilities.
They also lack information, trust and the ability to change their own lives and therefore need support and guidance dunring a process of discovering their own strength, identifying concrete needs and solutions to solve a part of them.
The 15 computers will be used in the instructive-educational process, both in the computer classes and in the other disciplines; they will bring additional information necessary for both students and teachers.
The ROI-Urlated Teenager Center in Prahova County received 15 computers to support various activities, including the projects of a community initiative group, whose meetings are hosted by the Urlati Culture House. Here, with the support of volunteer students, is an IT club where various activities such as online education for adolescents and youngsters, 12-18 years old, especially disadvantaged but not only, take place. 20-30 students are co-opted to work on topics such as: how we use the Internet, how we learn online, how we use social media, how we evaluate information, how we detect fake news, how we use the computer for business purposes – presentations, emails, research for projects, coding for interested students. Volunteer students will also initiate the elderly into using the computer.
The Apostolache Gymnasium School, Prahova County, operates with a staff of 10 classes and 222 pupils. Although it has a computer cabinet, it is equipped with physically and morally exploited computers with low performance, being of the 2003 generation with 256 Mb of RAM, which respond very hard to the requirements. More than 75% of the children come from low-income families, children in families where both parents do not have a stable job – implicitly safe earnings – or only one of them is hired for an indefinite period of time. The 15 computers received are useful in order to be able to deploy as close to normal TIC hours as possible, but also to run other projects requiring the use of the computer.
In the Romanian rural context, where many children are affected by poverty, education can represent the chance for these children to become competitive on the labor market in order to facilitate real social inclusion. Therefore, not only access to an educational institution determines the participation in the educational act, but also the conditions existing within it, respectively the facilities available to the school, the didactic materials / modern instruments through which the information is transmitted.