Together with UNICEF we’ve contributed to supporting the Ukrainian children
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As we all know, doing good deeds is the only investment that never fails and helping those in need or in difficult situations is something not only related to the corporate social responsibility idea, but is rather a fundamental human duty.
The same goes with those living in conflict areas, in danger or who fled to safer countries. Offering a helping hand becomes a priority when we wish to be among the ones who bring a gleam of hope and make things easier for such people, like the Ukrainian refugees.
To walk the talk, in March and April, together with UNICEF, we’ve unfolded an internal campaign dedicated to helping the Ukrainian refugee children and their families, initiative which continued our constant efforts dedicated to helping children from vulnerable communities.
Together with our colleagues, we’ve contributed with EUR 25,000 to support the programs developed by UNICEF and its partners in response to the Ukraine emergency, to help these people during their stay in Romania.
“Offering a helping hand to those fleeing from conflict areas or passing through trying times is both a fundamental sign of humanity and of civilization, as it is often said in history that the first real evidence of civilized human beings came with a healed leg.
The ability to care for one another and to help when needed is something which defines us as modern people and is one of the foundations of a prosperous and healthy society. A key for ensuring a better future for every individual, irrespective of one’s nationality or origin.
That is why, both our company and our colleagues got immediately involved and, together with UNICEF, contributed to offering the refugee children and their families the support so much needed and a dignified living.”
Philippe Gabulon, CEO of Societe Generale Global Solution Centre in Romania
The needs of the refugees continue to be many and urgent, and children are the most vulnerable. And each of us have the power to make a difference, to offer the support, counselling, or guidance these persons so much need, irrespective of their age, so that they continue to have a dignified living and a life closer to what they knew as “normal”.
Together we have the power to create a better future and we will continue to turn this idea into reality through our activity every time possible.