Author: Bianca Damian

Results found in the category: Events Social Responsibility

Funding program, new edition – Academy of Education for Differently Abled Persons   |   Events Social Responsibility

UPDATE: Thank you for the submitted projects and for the valuable initiatives you carry out to support the education and integration of differently abled people. Among the valuable proposals received, following the evaluation of the internal jury, the “ARIS Academy” project submitted by Pro-Civic / Association for Urban Development was designated as winner. The association […]

40,000 de euro offered as financial support by a new edition of the funding program launched by Societe Generale Global Solution Centre   |   Press Press Releases

Societe Generale Global Solution Centre launches a new funding program, which offers financial support in the amount of maximum Eur 40,000, aimed at supporting projects developed by non-governmental organizations in Romania. The funding program, entitled the Academy of Education for Differently Abled Persons, has the objective of supporting the initiatives created by NGOs in Romania […]

Irrespective of the season, volunteering for doing good remains a strong feature in our personal and company’ DNA!   |   Press Social Responsibility

Irrespective of the season, our aim, to positively impact the society and to create a better tomorrow for vulnerable communities, has been successfully transformed into reality with the help of our colleagues. In the first half of 2022, we’ve managed to unfold around 100 volunteering activities with the help of over 700 colleagues, in the […]

New distinctions brought by the Citizenship stream on entering the Community Index 2022   |   Press Social Responsibility

The results of the “Community Index” study were recently released, the first and only index of the programs and projects carried out by companies in Romania to invest in the communities’ development, and one of the programs we support is among the projects mentioned in this document. Annually, in search of the best projects and […]

Citizenship news: new industry awards received for our involvement in the educational development of the local community!   |   Press Social Responsibility

The past pandemic years made us even more aware of the need of collaborating for helping those less fortunate than us or for supporting children stay in school and develop their skills. We managed to come together both online and offline, to surpass distances and other challenges and we achieved significant results, not only when […]

Together with UNICEF we’ve contributed to supporting the Ukrainian children   |   Press Social Responsibility

As we all know, doing good deeds is the only investment that never fails and helping those in need or in difficult situations is something not only related to the corporate social responsibility idea, but is rather a fundamental human duty. The same goes with those living in conflict areas, in danger or who fled […]