Our IT Filiere’s Journey: a recap of the year’s most notable IT gatherings

2022 was a busy year with many opportunities to be present and talk about our IT Filiere and their great innovative, high-tech projects.


In March we took the time to meet with young students or recent graduates during TÂRGUL IT&C (organized by LSAC – Liga Studenților din Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare, Universitatea Politehnica București).  This is the largest career event dedicated to young tech enthusiasts. This job fair offer participants the opportunity to interact with some of the most well-known IT&C companies.

There were 2 days full of direct interaction at our booth through which we presented our main projects, technologies, ways of working and job opportunities. Our colleagues provided insights about carrier development, path to take when choosing a certain programing language and many other amazing advice from their professional experience.

This job fair is the type of event that fosters collaboration, facilitating idea sharing and providing a sense of shared purpose to everyone involved.

DevTalks, AI & Innovation, Humanity Reimagined

In June, our IT Filiere took part again at DevTalks, AI & Innovation, Humanity Reimagined, a big developer conference which brings together popular speakers, core developers of popular open-source technologies and professionals willing to share their knowledge and experiences. With many tracks on different topics, this event satisfies the curiosity and expectations of IT professionals while offering them the possibility to learn new skills and stay up to date with trends.

Our Gold partnership included:

  • 1 live Keynote session with our colleagues Robert Voinea, Tech Lead and Ingrid Axinte, Software Engineer. They presented in real time a hybrid plugin solution that merges the ease of working in Python with the efficiency of C++. The best of both worlds.
  • 1 live interview with Alexandru Grigoreanu, Head of RBFS, SG GSC Romania & India, which talked about the outstanding value the company offers to Societe Generale Group through domain expertise, agile delivery methods and cutting-edge technologies.
  • Expo online booth where participants discovered what amazing projects we have done lately and job opportunities for IT experts.

We are delighted to say that being present at DevTalks was a valuable experience to us, for both personal and professional growth. The event offered our colleagues which took part in the conference the opportunity to further understand the current and emerging technologies and their potential impact on the market. And we offered to participants the possibility to discover what innovative, high-tech, challenging projects we have in our IT department.


In November, we were present at the 5th edition of PoliJobs organized by Politehnica University, where we got the chance to meet and connect with students interested in internships or full-time jobs. Our colleagues present at the booth shared valuable information about us, our core values, the variety of T jobs available and the skills needed to succeed in these roles. During the presentation “IT in retail banking- talking digitalization” our colleagues spoke about the development and digitalization of applications, their benefits, myths & real facts about applicability of Java in banking.

All these events offered us great possibilities of interaction and networking, meeting amazing people and building relationships that can lead to future job opportunities.

Our IT Filiere’s Journey: a recap of the year’s most notable IT gatherings




Societe Generale Global Solution Centre makes its mark at top business events



Connecting with top talent by taking part in online & offline job fairs



Celebrating the SG GSC spirit through fun activities in the office